Page 5 - Yunnan Tourism Culture Times (96)
P. 5

                                                                                                                     EVENTS      |   动态

        Macadamia nuts become profitable in Lincang                                                   Rice-crayfish coculture

        临沧:澳洲坚果成助农致富大产业                                                                               increases rural income in
           Just after the Spring Festival,                                                            Shiping
        the macadamia nut trees have                                                                  云南石屏:“稻虾共养”点亮乡村振兴路
        entered the flowering period, and
        Li Tianhong, the planter, is busy                                                                Along the roadside in Dimo village of Shiping county
        with weeding, fertilizing, pest con-                                                           in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture of Yunnan,
        trolling, and other tasks.                                                                     villagers are scooping up crayfish from the rice fields with
           “Last year, we harvested 30 tons                                                            wire cages and then putting them into baskets.
        of fresh macadamia nuts, with sales                                                              “My family owns 16 mu (about 10666.67 m ) of rice
        revenue exceeding 900,000 yuan.”                                                               fields, where we raise crayfish, too. We can earn an aver-
        With several consecutive years of                                                              age of 6,000 yuan per mu,” said Li Fenglin, a farmer in
        bumper harvests, Li Tianhong keeps                                                             Dimo village who has just embraced the bumper harvest
        working hard.                                                                                  of the two agro-products.
           43-year-old Li brought several   growers in Lincang city of   also become an important part of   At present, the village raises crayfish in a rice-crayfish
        nut trees from nearby counties years   southwest Yunnan  province.   Yunnan’s plateau agriculture, boost-  coculture mode covering more than 400 mu. They use a
        ago. After 11 years of cultivation, the   When Lincang listed macadamia   ing farmers’ income and prosperity.   high-protein ecological feeding method of soybean cake
        planting scale has now reached nearly   nuts as a key afforestation tree   Statistic shows that macadamia is   plus corn and crayfish feed.
        60 mu (about 40,000 m ). The hills in   species and began large-scale   planted in 739 administrative vil-  It takes less than three months for each crayfish to
        front and behind his house are dense-  planting since 2002, the devel-  lages (communities) in Lincang,   grow from seedlings to mature ones, and the harvest
        ly planted with macadamia nut trees,   opment of the industry reached   involving 216,400 households and   season lasts from July of the current year to April of the
        which not only conserve soil and wa-  its peak.         744,500 people.                        following year. The output value of crayfish per mu can
        ter, beautify the environment but also   By the end of 2023, the planting   In 2023, Lincang’s production   reach over 3.1 million yuan.
        create economic value.      area of macadamia nuts in Lincang   of shelled macadamia nuts reached   Rice-crayfish coculture is a win-win mode for both
           Over the years, the nuts he   reached 2.6277 million mu (about   96,500 tons, with a comprehensive   rice plantation and crayfish raising. Pests and microorgan-
        grows earn him houses and cars.   1751.8km ), ranking first in the   output value of 5.939 billion yuan,   isms in the rice fields provide food for the growth and de-
        So, he decided to focus on planting   country in terms of planting area,   and an average income of 3,346   velopment of crayfish, while the excrement produced by
        without doing other jobs.   output, and output value.   yuan per planting household. (Yun-     crayfish provides fertilizer for rice growth. crayfish also
           Li is one of the successful   The macadamia nut industry has   nan Gateway)                 capture pests and their eggs in the rice fields, reducing
                                                                                                       diseases and pests for rice growth.
                                                                                                         By selecting suitable varieties for integrated farming,
                                                                                                       the coculture mode can effectively achieve benefits such
        Dai banquet of wild herbs impresses tourists                                                   as dual use of water, double harvest in one field, stable
                                                                                                       grain production, and win-win situation for grain and
                                                                                                       crayfish, further reducing agricultural non-point source
           During the Spring Festival,                                                                 pollution. (Yunnan Gateway)
        The Dai banquet of wild herbs in
        Jingmai village of Huimin town
        in Lancang county, received many
        praises from tourists.                                                                        Some 60,000 gather in
           The banquet is made of a variety
        of edible wild vegetables. Villagers                                                          Jinning for folk tunes during
        go to the fields to pick them such as                                                         festival
        fish mint, water parsley, tree toma-                                                          数万名观众春节齐聚晋宁闹春调子会
        toes, lemongrass, ferns, and clean
        them. Then, they are mixed with
        seasonings such as fermented soy-
        beans, salt, and MSG (monosodium   This banquet will be severed   mountains and experience the
        glutamate), and served either cold   whenever guests arrive, with each   unique ethnic charm. The many
        or boiled. Of course, they can also   table jointly completed by six   local dishes and refreshing flavors
        be dipped in the secret sauce made   families of villagers. Visitors only   leave tourists with unforgettable
        by the Dai people and eaten raw,   need to pay 40 yuan per person   taste in memories. (Yunnan Gate-
        presenting a unique flavor.  to taste the natural flavors of the   way)

                                                                                                         Some 60,000 residents and tourists flocked to central
         Sticky rice cake in Dehong                                                                   Yunnan’s Jinning district for a folk-tune singing competi-

         德宏特色小吃“冰淇淋粑粑”                                                                                tion from February 24 to 25, during the traditional Lantern
           Many ethnic groups, such as the   banana leaves resembles an ice                              Sung in the fields during or after work, the Jinning folk
        Dai, Jinpo, Achang, De’ang and   cream cone, with a delicate, chewy                           song was listed as a provincial intangible cultural heritage
        Lisu, live in west Yunnan Dehong   and sticky texture. Making soft rice                       in 2013, and this year’s singing event, the 23  of its kind,
        Dai and Jingpo autonomous prefec-  cakes requires several steps, includ-                      invited in hundreds of contestants from Yunnan, Sichuan,
        ture, and various delicious snacks   ing cleaning banana leaves, boiling                      Guizhou and other places in southwest China.
        can be found in local wet markets.   water, grinding rice into paste, sim-                       The singing event featured a special dragon dance,
        Among them, sticky rice cake is   mering and cooking red sugar syrup,                         where patterns of the Chinese loong are put on wooden
        very popular.               and steaming rice paste. (Yunnan                                  and three-legged benches. It was followed by group danc-
           The soft rice cake wrapped in   Gateway)                                                   es and tasty dishes. (Yunnan Gateway)
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