Page 7 - Yunnan Tourism Culture Times (96)
P. 7

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              Lively customs of the Spring Festival


           During the Spring Festival holiday, a   joyful laughter, the audience marveled at the
        myriad of lively traditions were embraced   dragons’ vitality, dynamism, and allure.
        across the expansive land of Yunnan prov-  “We visited the Zhu Family’s Garden and
        ince, fostering a deeply festive ambiance.   boarded a miniature train at Lin’an Station to
        Various locales within the province melded   reminisce about the old days,” said a tourist.
        folklore, traditional crafts, intangible cultural   During the Spring Festival, the Tuanshan
        heritage products, and more to delve into the   Scenic Area in Jianshui County of Honghe
        multifaceted path of cultural and tourism de-  Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture bustled
        velopment, enhancing the array of high-qual-  with activity, with cheers and drumbeats at
        ity cultural and tourism offerings during the   the east entrance of the Walled City resonat-
        festival.                           ing to the distant ancient dwellings. “Drawing
           Lancang Lahu Autonomous County in   upon the abundant local folklore resources,
        Pu’er City showcased the Kuota (Spring   we hosted performances by the villagers
        Festival) customs, with a gathering of 900   themselves for the first time this Spring
        individuals from different townships partici-  Festival holiday. Through distinctive pres-
        pating in the collective Spring Festival visits.   entations like the dragon dance and Jianshui
        Adorned in traditional ethnic attire, they   lantern opera, alongside folklore showcases,
        converged in the heart of Lancang County,   children’s games, riddles, and garden tours,
        parading through the streets with spirited   we rekindled Spring Festival memories and
        songs and dances, extending well wishes to   fostered a sense of hometown belonging in
        onlookers. Both locals and tourists lined the   both locals and visitors. This allowed every-
        streets, while the passing floats brought a   one to partake in a joyous Spring Festival ex-
        succession of performances from Lahu, Wa,   perience in Tuanshan Village,” remarked Bai
        Hani, and other ethnic groups, each offering   Xingda, the general manager of Tuanshan
        their songs and dances in a joyous display.   Scenic Area.
        Best wishes were exchanged, punctuated by   As night descended, the crowd turned
        occasional cheers, creating an exuberant and   their gaze towards Zitao Lane, a street em-
        festive atmosphere.                 bodying the essence of the Han and Tang
           In Huaning County, Yuxi City, 85 per-  dynasties in downtown Jianshui. Illuminated
        forming troupes showcased dragon dances,   ancient-style buildings exuded a tranquil am-
        lion dances, and tobacco box dances along   biance, evoking the sensation of traversing a
        the streets, enveloping the crowd in a spirit-  mesmerizing, dreamy fairyland. The dragon
        ed and festive ambiance. Particularly note-  and lion dances, Han Chinese clothing pa-
        worthy were the dragon dance performers,   rades, Tang-style dances, and other presenta-
        elegantly attired in celebratory garb and   tions guided visitors on a journey back to the
        wielding props, who executed a dazzling   eras of the Han and Tang dynasties, allowing
        array of movements to the rhythmic drum   them to immerse themselves in the enchant-
        beats, including prancing, leaping, tumbling,   ing allure of traditional Chinese culture.
        rolling, spinning, and intertwining. Amidst
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