Page 11 - 云南旅游文化时报(88)_2023-6
P. 11

                                                                                                             TOUR ROUTES         |   游线

        Bamei guarantees your peace of mind

        在世外桃源坝美  让灵魂栖居

           Passing through a cave, you will find   local farmer, you can live a peaceful and   unaffected way of life in Bamei. The
        yourself in an idyllic world of small bridges   simple life here. When the smoke rises from   simple, natural folk custom here fully
        and gurgling streams. Bamei is situated   kitchen chimneys, some villagers are still   embodies the traditional Chinese farming
        amidst verdant hills and lucid waters. At   working or just sitting around. Time flies   pleasure. Bamei never fails to remind
        this time of the year, rice fields are still   more slowly here than elsewhere. In this   you of the great poet Tao Yuanming
        green in breezes, creaking waterwheels   poetic and leisurely setting, you can easily   and his masterpiece The Story of the
        are singing an age-old song, and a gallery   achieve peace of mind.  Peach Blossom, just that Bamei has long
        bridge stands quietly over a rivulet. Just a   Today, people still follows an   become a world-class tourist attraction.

          Liulangcheng nourishes your body and soul
          Liulangcheng nourishes your body and soul
          走进仙草秘境六郎城  康养身心
          走进仙草秘境六郎城  康养身心
            When you come to Liulangcheng,   breath you take smells of the miracle-  recipe that has been passed down from
          girls and boys of the Zhuang ethnic   working herbs. You can pass through   generation to generation in the Zhuang-
          group will greet you at the village   a jungle, cross a suspension bridge,   inhabited area.
          entrance, singing melodic tunes and   and feel yourself full of bounce on the   Liulangcheng Village, abounding in
          offering you a bowl of dendrobium   trampoline. Some sports will enable you   medical herbs, has been combining the
          flower tea. Immediately, you will get   to unwind while exercising the body.   dendrobium industry with tourism. By
          an idea of the charm of Zhuang culture.   After that, you can enjoy a Dendrobium   developing health and wellness tourism
          The 10,000-meter dendrobium corridor   feast with Guangnan’s Dendrobium   and culinary culture, it is becoming a
          is, as the name suggests, lined with   ferruginum as the main ingredient and   national forest resort where tourists can
          blooming dendrobium bushes. A stream   home-grown vegetables and fruits and   see beautiful landscapes, experience
          flows through verdant bushes, which are   free-range chicken as supplementary   the genuine countryside, and strongly
          surrounded by mist-like vapor, and every   ingredients, all prepared with the secret   identify with.

        A cruise in Xiyang River valley beats everything

        游玩西洋江大峡谷   感受山水交织艺术
           Walking down a tree-canopied plank road,   yourself in a serene setting amidst lucid   Mulu Village tinted in different tones. Now,
        you can hear a stream murmuring somewhere.   waters and verdant hills. When you get to   take the glass slide to the foot of the hill at
        Soon you’ll come to a gallery bridge, where   the top of the hill, you can walk through a   a fast or slow speed that suits your mood.
        you can learn about a beautiful love story   thrilling 9D glass skywalk to command a   A cruise on the Xiyang River is just what
        widely spread among Zhuang people. After   bird’s eye view of the breathtaking scenery.   you desire. Just enjoy the cool wind and the
        that, you can go up the steps and find   Through the colorful glass panes, you see   grotesque views in the canyon.

          Poya love songs decode the secret of love

          在浪漫坡芽 千古绝唱解开爱情密码

            Stepping into Poya Village, you will   of Poya love songs, which start from   customs, and foods, so culture,
          see the road lined with wild flowers.   the moon and ends with two bamboo   tourism,  and  various industries are
          Fruits such as grapes, pitayas, and   shoots, are also carved on the gate of the   highly integrated. You can feast your
          mangos are here and there next to   Poya Culture Workshop. The inheritor’s   eyes on the beautiful scenery, listen
          houses. The ubiquitous stones are carved   singing sounds mysterious and fully   to Poya love songs, watch a Zhuang
          with 81 symbols of Poya love songs.   reflects the Zhuang people’s yearning for   opera, and sample some Zhuang foods.
          Everything from the stately village   beautiful love.             Poya is ready to offer everything a
          gates to the distinctive dwellings and   All Poya cultural elements are   tourist can hope for: sightseeing,
          colorfully painted walls is telling the   well preserved here, including the   entertainment, recreation,
          age-old story of Poya. The 81 symbols   village appearance, vernacular,   holidaymaking, and more.

        Cool, oxygen-rich Qiubei helps you unwind

        在大美丘北  吸氧避暑放松身心

           Qiubei, a natural oxygen bar, attracts   Of all lotus varieties Puzhehei has to offer,   by your boat, you can pick up whatever
        tourists from home and abroad to unwind   the minor sajin lotus produces the most   tools that come in handy to wage a “war”
        amidst its verdant mountains and lucid   beautiful blossoms that are pink or white   of water. Instantly, the summer heat will be
        waters. Here, the poetic and idyllic karst   but equally graceful. When a breeze   held at bay. When you have burnt enough
        landforms enable you to see the true   blows, the lotus blossoms will sway back   calories, go for a lotus feast to pamper
        meaning of life.                  and forth. You may want to take a boat   your palate. You can stay overnight in
           In summer, more than 10,000 mu of   ride through Lake Puzhehei to get closer   Xianrendong Village to experience the
        lotus blossoms will take turns to come into   to nature and smell the lotus blossoms to   distinctive ethnic customs and be part of the
        bloom among the turquoise lotus leaves.   your heart’s content. If another boat passes   local people’s happy life.
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