Page 12 - 云南旅游文化时报(88)_2023-6
P. 12

12         CITY LIFE     |   城事

          Cultural Fair sees Yunnan in spotlight


        Text and Photo by Qin Mingyu and Hu Yuya                                                                             □ 秦明豫 胡妤雅 文 / 图

               The 19  China (Shenzhen) International Cultural              Cultural and creative products draw extensive attention
             Industries Fair (hereinafter the Cultural Fair) was held from                    文创产品   精彩纷呈
             June 7 to 11 at the Shenzhen International Convention
             and Exhibition Center. The Yunnan exhibition area, with   A total of 32 Yunnan-based companies participated   notebooks, briefcases, handbags, eyepatches, and
             the theme of “A Lifestyle Called Yunnan”, fully showcased   in the Cultural Fair. In recent years, Yunnan exhibitors   jewelry cases.
             the province’s beautiful mountains and rivers, diverse   to the Cultural Fair has enhanced brand awareness and   The  Steel Monster  models from  Tonghai
             folk customs, ethnic cultures, and unique delicacies. The   introduced a series of commercially relevant cultural   County, Yuxi City, combining metal sculptures and
             province’s exhibition, focusing on the day trip to Laos, the   and creative products. Many cultural and creative   mechanical models, are made of stainless steel and
             great traveler Xu Xiake’s tour of Yunnan, the distinctive   products from the province stood out during this year’s   are manually cut, polished, and assembled. At the
             Yunnan pottery, as well as Yunnan’s profound “red” culture,   Cultural Fair. For example, Mr. Tile Cat, inspired by   Cultural Fair, a model of a traditional Tonghai-
                                                                 Chinese New Year paintings, features a tile cat sitting
                                                                                                          style quadrangle building impressed the audience.
             drew extensive attention and won much praise from the   cross-legged and holding a black carp in its right hand,   It consists of more than 1,000 stainless steel parts.
                                                                 and its auspicious appearance readily won the favor of   Unlike previous traditional architectural models, this
                                                                 visitors.                                work highlights a unique and strongly hard-style
                6 月 7 日—11 日,第十九届中国(深圳)国际文化                        The Yi  Commune, a Yi  ethnic  embroidery   aesthetic sense.
             产业博览交易会(以下简称“文博会”)在深圳国际会                            brand from the hometown of green peacocks —   Intangible cultural heritage products from Yunnan
             展中心举办。本次交易会上,云南展区以“有一种叫云                            Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture, innovatively   also became the focus of attention at the Cultural
             南的生活”为主题闪亮,全面展示云南的山川美景、人                            combines green peacock patterns with traditional Yi   Fair. They included the collectable Bingdao Tusi tea,
             文风情、民族文化及特色美食;集中展示朝发夕至游老挝、                          embroidery patterns. In particular, design elements   the purple pottery drums with ornamental patterns
             跟随徐霞客足迹游云南、云陶出滇,赢得了参观者的广                            such as peacock plumes and peacock eyes show a   of the ancient Dian Kingdom, the paper made in the
             泛关注与好评。                                             strong ethnic flavor. Currently, this Yi embroidery   ancient way from Tengchong, and the Zhuang-style
                                                                 brand’s derivative products include murals,   fire weed cloth handbags from Wenshan.
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