Page 13 - 云南旅游文化时报(88)_2023-6
P. 13

                                                                                                                   CITY LIFE     |   城事

                                                       Tourism-culture integration yields fruits
                                                                  文旅融合   魅力无限

           Cultural creation is not necessarily about physical   126 key relevant projects. To seek in-depth cooperation   social and economic benefits. Yunnan is already looking
        commodities; it can be grafting and transplanting of   with businesspeople from all over the world in upgrading   forward to the Cultural Fair next year.
        similar things or ideas. In Yunnan, many things are highly   traditional scenic spots, developing rural tourism, exploring
        influential in themselves, such as the province’s five “red”   health tourism, integrating culture and tourism, boost “red”   Read More: The year 2023 marks the 10th anniversary
        stories, the first Chinese tourism “blogger” Xu Xiake, the   tourism, and promote cross-border tourism, the province   of the Belt and Road Initiative. In such a context, as the
        Asian elephants which made a northward journey and   sincerely invited industry players to share and build the   most important exhibition in China’s cultural industry, the
        returned to the south afterwards, the black-headed gulls   lifestyle called Yunnan.          Cultural Fair strove to expand China’s cultural trade and
        that have long made a habit of wintering in Kunming,   As a national, international and comprehensive   exchanges with foreign countries this year. It attracted 300
        and the cultural relics unearthed from the tombs that date   exhibition and trade fair focusing on the cultural industry,   overseas exhibitors from 50 countries and regions, and
        back to the ancient Kingdom of Dian. Many cultural and   the Cultural Fair has been held for 19 years. For Yunnan’s   it was partaken of by overseas buyers and professional
        creative products exhibited at the Cultural Expo can also be   culture and tourism industry, it has become a stage to   audience from 108 countries and regions both online and
        grafted to other places. For example, the first CPC National   showcase new technologies, new products, new forms of   offline. During the Cultural Fair, the Cultural Import and
        Congress-based products and study tour experience offered   business, and new models, a platform to seek win-win   Export Trade Fair was also held in a bid to build a platform
        by Shanghai, the Sanxingdui cultural relics-inspired   cooperation, exchanges, and mutual learning, and a window   for the import and export of high-end cultural products. At
        ornaments and toys, and the Wang Yangming-related   on its new developments and achievements. All participants   the Cultural Fair, more than 120,000 cultural products were
        cultural and creative products.                agreed that the Cultural Fair has promoted Yunnan-based   exhibited, more than 4,000 cultural industry investment
           At the Yunnan Cultural Industry Project Promotion and   cultural enterprises’ images and brands and enhanced   and financing projects were presented and traded, more
        the Cultural Industry Investment Promotion which were   their exchanges and cooperation with outstanding cultural   than 500 side events were held, and more than 4 million
        held during this year’s Cultural Fair, Yunnan released   enterprises in other parts of the country, achieving both   participants were registered.
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