Page 9 - Yunnan Tourism Culture Times (92)
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        Time-honored Yunnan tea industry

        takes on a new look

                                                                               Shiping Intangible

           On October 13, the 15th China Yunnan   electronic tea shelves enable consumer to   Cultural Heritage Demonstration
        Pu’er Tea International Expo Fair (hereinaf-  choose their desired tea products more eas-
        ter referred to as the Tea Fair) was declared   ily. Our desktop tea conveyor can serve tea   石屏的非遗文创 T 台秀
        open at the Kunming Dianchi International   over a long distance,” said Lin Rongjian,
        Convention and Exhibition Center.  marketing director of Bafang Tea Garden   On October 2, the Shiping Intangible   A photo album reflecting the traditional
           Nurtured by the diverse, unique, and una-  Tea Industrial Co Ltd.   Cultural Heritage Demonstration was held in   architecture in Shiping was released at the
        dorned ethnic cultures, the Yunnan tea industry   According to Mo Yinyan, vice president   Shiping Ancient City in the south of Yunnan   venue. Also exhibited were some Chinese
        represents harmony between man and nature.   of Yunnan Changninghong Tea Industrial   Province. The event was like a dialogue be-  ink landscape paintings by the famous paint-
        There is a beautiful story behind almost every   Co Ltd, their company is now the larg-  tween the past and the present era, enabling   er, composer, and director Yang Songge, with
        type of tea in Yunnan, such as the Wa roasted   est CTC (crushing, tearing, and curling)   visitors to experience the collision of intan-  the theme of “A Quest of Dreams in Ship-
        tea, the Dai and Hani bamboo tube tea, the Bai   tea producer in China, boasting seven   gible cultural heritages and the new living   ing”. These sideline events also helped the
        three cups of tea, and the De’ang and Bulang   world-leading intelligent black tea and   trend as well as the fusion of intangible cul-  audience to appreciate the infinite charm of
        sour tea. In the De’ang epic Dagu Daleng   green tea production lines. The CTC process   tural heritages and modern creativity.  intangible cultural heritages.
        Gelaibiao Standard, the evolution of tea was   can extract the nutrients and flavor of tea   The event successfully combined in-  Shiping’s intangible cultural heritages
        fascinatingly related. Yunnan is also famous   within the shortest time, giving birth to new   tangible cultural heritages with fashion   involve unique craftsmanship and ethnic
        for its tea sets, such as the Jianshui purple pot-  tea processing and brewing methods, so that   and cultural and creative products, fully   characteristics. The silver jewelry and Yi
        tery, the Huaning pottery, and the Nixi black   Yunnan tea products can meet the modern   demonstrating the beauty of fashion, and   embroidery are skillfully combined with
        pottery. Today, the Yunnan tea industry has   trendy tea-drinking needs. What’s more,   tradition, and emerging living trends. Ximo   trendy culture, making the meticulously
        taken on a new look, with new tea products,   these new developments have also got Yun-  Cultural Communication Co Ltd presented   tailored ethnic costumes extremely daz-
        new tea-making techniques, and new tea busi-  nan tea recognized on the global market.  a high-quality exhibition of ethnic embroi-  zling on the stage. By integrating modern
        ness models adding fresh splendor to the Tea   For thousands of years, Yun tea has   dery, handicrafts, and costumes designed   creative elements, traditional intangible
        Expo.                             been transported all over the country and   by intangible cultural heritages inheritors.  cultural heritages were presented before
           “Through in-depth exploration, we have   the world along the Silk Road and the Tea   “Our Huayao Yi costumes are simply gor-  the public in new forms, enhancing the
        introduced scientific and technological ad-  Horse Road. Today, the fragrant tea leaves   geous, but we need to improve them so they   public understanding and recognition of
        vances to the tea industry. We have built a   are making a beautiful trajectory through   become more fashionable, stylish, and wearable   intangible cultural heritages and playing a
        smart teahouse, providing consumers with   history to become a globally known symbol   in daily life,” said Ximo, general manager of   significant role in promoting their prosper-
        a new type of tea space. Our stereoscopic   of Yunnan.                 Ximo Cultural Communication Co Ltd.  ity and inheritance.
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